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artist statement

Alexine Tjon is a self-taught abstract artist, whose signature style is defined by matching nature’s color palette with various textures and mediums. She intentionally uses a form of layering in all of her art pieces and manipulates non-traditional materials, which create a three-dimensional effect.
Each layer of texture, acrylic paint, and intricate detail adds an essential element of interest and ignites deep emotions, thus immersing you in an actual nature scene. When painting, Alexine follows the subconscious as she leads each piece by the initial textures that she creates.
When looking at her work, different perspectives are introduced, depending on where you are standing. The colors and textures of nature are the main subjects in her compositions. By adding a pop of color to nature’s color palette, Alexine seeks to transmute calmness into an abstract form.
Blue Green
Latest collection
Textured Original Works.
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inspired by the colors of nature
using non-traditional materials
transmuting calmnes and peace

the artist

commission an
original art piece

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